Bat Sheet Crazy Halloween Bat Halloween Funny T-Shirt . The watchdog is also looking into possible violations of the consumer code in the way the companies promoted and sold clothes and accessories.”In both cases, the companies may have issued untrue statements about their ethics and social responsibility, in particular with regard to working conditions and compliance with the law by their suppliers,” it said. It noted that the companies — which sell handbags costing thousands of euros — “emphasised craftsmanship and quality”.”However, in order to make certain articles and clothing accessories the companies allegedly used supplies from workshops and factories employing workers who would receive inadequate wages,” it added.”In addition, such workers would work hours in excess of the legal limits and in inadequate health and safety conditions, in contrast to the production excellence levels the companies pride themselves.”
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Bat Sheet Crazy Halloween Bat Halloween Funny T-Shirt . In April, an Italian court placed a unit of Armani under partial judicial administration for one year, after it found one of its suppliers used subcontractors that violated labour laws.Giorgio Armani Operations — a company wholly owned by Giorgio Armani, which deals with the design and production of the label’s clothes and accessories — was not itself accused of wrongdoing.But the court said one of its suppliers subcontracted production in the Milan area to what it called “Chinese workshops” mainly employing Chinese and Pakistan nationals in exploitative conditions.Armani said at the time that it was fully cooperating with authorities and had “always had control and prevention measures in place to minimise abuses in the supply chain”.In June, a Milan court ordered that another top fashion company be placed under judicial administration, for what police said was a failure to prevent labour exploitation within its supply chain.The company was widely reported to be Manufactures Dior Srl, a unit of Christian Dior Italia. Dior is owned by the French giant LVMH. According to a police statement at the time, the firm outsourced production of part of its 2024 collection of bags and accessories to third-party companies.An investigation identified suppliers described as “Chinese factories, which managed to reduce costs by resorting to the use of irregular and illegal workers in exploitative conditions”.Four such factories were checked, “all of them irregular”, police said. They employed 32 people, including seven who did not have the correct documents and two who were in Italy illegally.
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Anonymous –
Good price
These Tee shirts fit as expected. Washed in cold water and tumble dry. Some shrinking due to 100% cotton.
Anonymous –
Excelent quallity
Anonymous –
Nice fit and quality but arms are a little too long. Looks great on my son.