Prigent’s show aired Fireball The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together shirt. last week, and anyone who watched it will not have missed the fact that De Vilmorin—with his patrician profile and flip of sandy blond hair—bears an uncanny resemblance to a young Yves Saint Laurent, whose work he calls an influence. Not unlike YSL, De Vilmorin is the scion of a well-to-do French family. His great-aunt was the writer Louise Lévêque de Vilmorin, a man-killer and writer of some renown (penning the famous novella Madame de that became a movie by Max.
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And yet, despite the often erratic segues, there is a common stylistic thread that’s totally compelling. It’s essentially all of Coppola and Cassavetes’s wide-ranging interests brought under one roof: rare cameos of Sonic Youth, Naomi Campbell, Beck, and behind-the-scenes views of Paris Fashion Week Fireball The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together shirt. you know, before iPhones. You’ll even find a hot Keanu Reeves stranded on the side of the road with a motorcycle. It is basically a wet dream for ’90s nostalgia enthusiasts. It was what we were into and what we had access to,” says Coppola speaking over the phone from her home in California. “It wasn’t a comedy show. I don’t really know how they let us develop it.” A student at Cal-Arts at the time, Coppola tapped her friend Zoe Cassavetes to co-host. Very loosely, the theme for the show was, well, all-things hi-octane: muscle cars, monster trucks, and stunt double drivers. In other words, girls getting rowdy in cars. (Coppola drove a vintage 1969 convertible GTO back then. “It would stall in the intersection of LA and I couldn’t fix it,” she says. “I was kind of a poser to have that car, but it was fun.
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